You are special, and you know that! So why do we recommend you see an Orthodontic specialist for your treatment? An Orthodontist completes 2-3 years of specialty training in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics after becoming a dentist. We believe orthodontic problems and facial irregularities requires a specialist. A specialist will have all the tools necessary to control tooth movement and maniupulate jaw growth to create a harmonious smile and a balanced face.
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an initial consultation with an Orthodontist be performed at the age of 7 to have the greatest influence over jaw growth and the ability to straighten teeth.
Please look through our site, as it contains useful information in orthodontics for the entire family. When you’re ready, we’d love to meet new friends and family in our area.

Crowding occurs because there is not enough space for the teeth in their current positions. The may lead to periodontal “gum” problems or make it difficult to keep the teeth clean.
Anterior Crossbite – This may be due to localized position of teeth, but it also may be due to improper growth of the jaws. A correct diagnosis and can limit the potential side effects of this type of bite.
Upper jaw constriction may be due to abnormal growth patterns and/or airway issues.
Anterior open bites may be due to digit, tongue, object habits, and improper growth of the jaws. In children, this should be addressed as soon as possible. In adults it may be possible to close the open bite non-surgically, but please consult an orthodontic specialist.
Children with teeth in this position are more likely than other kids to experience some type of trauma to the front teeth.
Impactions and missing teeth occur for several reasons, but the orthodontic specialist can advise you on the best treatment options available for you or your child.
Digit habits should be stopped around the age of 3. If your child still has a digit habit, please consult with an orthodontist on how to stop the habit early in order to reduce improper jaw growth.
This skeletal issue may be due to a combination of factors. In children, we may modify growth to reduce or correct the small lower jaw. In adults, there are options available to help achieve facial harmony.
This skeletal imbalance may actually be due to a small upper jaw or a large lower jaw. In children, we may modify growth to reduce or correct the small upper jaw. In adults, there are options available to help achieve facial harmony.
Let’s talk about
The objective of phasing orthodontic treatment is to maximize the opportunity to achieve optimal jaw positioning, facial esthetics, and healthy function. Each of the of active treatment phases may consists of tooth straightening and/or jaw growth modificiation. Not all patients require two-phase treatment, but it’s important to see your child at 7 years old to maximize treatment potentials.
The goal of Phase-One is to help develop the upper and lower jaws in order to accomodate the upper and lower teeth. In addition, this treatment phase improves the way the upper and lower jaws fit together. As specialists, Orthodontists are able to diagnose conditions where the upper or lower jaws may be growing too much or too little. We are also able to recognize the condition where the upper jaw may be too narrow. Treatment in this phase may avoid the need to extract teeth later to eliminate crowding, and/or the need for surgical procedures to place the upper and lower jaws in optimal positions for facial harmony.
In this phase, we are monitoring the eruption of permanent teeth. Retainers may or may not be used at this time because they may block the eruption of other teeth. If phase-one is successful, there should be sufficient room for the permanent teeth. During this time we may have periodic follow up appointments, at 6 month intervals, to determine when phase-two should be initiated. If needed, we may recommend removal of certain primary “baby” teeth to enhance eruption of the permanent teeth.
The goal of Phase-Two is to place the upper and lower teeth in specific locations in the mouth in order to have optimal function, occlusion, and esthetics. This exact location is determined by the orthodontist in order to promote harmony between the cheeks, lips, tongue, and other teeth. In this phase of treatment, our tools may include upper and lower braces, Invisalign, and other treatment modalities below in order to achieve the smile you deserve.
Traditional metal braces, made of stainless steel, are the most common. The braces and wires straighten your teeth…colors are optional.
If you are feeling like you’d like to express your feeling or draw some attention, we have all the colors you could possibly want.
Ceramic braces are made of clear materials, which make them less noticeable than metal braces. Clear brackets are great options for adolescents and adults.
Lingual are braces are metal colored, but you cannot see them as they sit on the inside where the tongue is. This is a great option for patients who do not want anything on their front teeth and know they cannot reliably change clear aligners.
This clear option is perfect for teens and adults. The ability to remove the aligners to eat makes brushing and flossing much easier than braces. Plus, no braces or wires equals shorter appointments and less visits.
This appliance helps correct the bite in place of elastics. We use this appliance to help position the lower jaw in a more forward position.
We know you don’t want to be in braces for a long time. Ask us about ways we can shorten the time you have braces on your teeth!
Expanders are used to help widen the upper jaw. We will explain to you how to use the appliance. Once we stop activating the appliance, we leave it in place for a few months for stability.
Whether it’s colorful or clear, using retainers are paramount to keep teeth straight for life. We use removable and fixed retainers depending on each case.